Making a Living on eBay – Can I Make Money With High eBay Fees?

Has it gotten tougher to make a living on eBay with the higher fees that they have nowadays? Of course. How could it not? The higher the fees. The higher the expenses. The lower your profit. It’s just basic mathematics.

Does that mean because you have higher eBay fees, you can’t make a living on eBay? Absolutely not Ebay fee calculator!!!

Do I wish it was the early 2000s when the economy was better and buyers were spending more money on eBay, and eBay had less fees? Of course I do! But guess what? There are still hundreds of thousands of sellers still making a living on eBay. It all has to do with what you are selling. If you are expecting to sell on eBay based on tiny profit margins, you are not going to do very well.

For example, if you planned on selling Nintendo Wii’s on eBay, then chances are you are not going to succeed in this business. The eBay fees would probably destroy whatever profit margin you were hoping to get.

This is why you have to think outside the box when it comes to your products that you are going to sell. Think about it. If you searched for “Nintendo Wii” how many listings do you think would show up? It would be thousands!!! How are you going to stick out from the rest of the crowd? The answer is that you’re not. At least, not with that kind of product.

Separate yourself from the competition and there is no reason why you can’t succeed on eBay.